5 signs that you need to speed up your internet

5 signs that you need to speed up your internet

A fast, reliable internet connection is more important than ever in today’s world. We rely on the internet for everything from work to entertainment to keeping in touch with loved ones. A slow internet connection can be frustrating and even impede your productivity.

Five signs that you need to speed up your internet

Here are the five signs that indicate that you need to speed up your internet connection

1. Frequent buffering when streaming video

Frequent buffering when streaming video

If you’re trying to watch a movie or TV show on Netflix and find yourself frequently hitting the pause button to wait for the video to buffer, your internet speed is probably too slow. A good rule of thumb is that you need an internet speed of at least 9 Mbps to stream video without any buffering issues. 

2. Pages take forever to load

Do you find yourself getting impatient waiting for web pages to load? If so, your internet speed is likely too slow. A general rule of thumb is that you need an internet speed of 1 Mbps per user on your network to have a decent browsing experience. 

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3. Uploading files takes forever

If you’re trying to upload a document to Google Drive or Dropbox and it’s taking an eternity, your internet connection is probably too slow. A good rule of thumb is that you need an upload speed of at least 0.25 Mbps per user on your network for uploading files to be smooth. 

4. Poor video quality during video calls

Video calls are becoming more and more popular as a way to stay in touch with friends and family members who live far away. If your video calls are poor, it could be due to a slow internet connection. A good rule of thumb is that you need an internet speed of at least 1 Mbps per user on your network for video calls to be clear and free of static and pixelation. 

5. Frustration


This one might seem obvious and the most important, but it’s worth mentioning nonetheless. If you’re frustrated with how slowly your computer or phone is moving, it’s probably because your internet connection is too slow.

One way to test your current internet speeds is by using an online speed test tool like the Aussie Broadband Speed test. Once you’ve run the test, compare your results against the minimum speeds recommended for various activities (as listed above). If your speeds are below the recommended amount, it’s time to upgrade! 


Q: What is a good internet speed?

A good internet speed depends on your needs. If you’re browsing the web and checking email, a speed of 5 Mbps is enough. However, if you’re streaming video or participating in video calls, you’ll need an internet speed of at least 9 Mbps.

How can I speed up my internet connection?

you can do a few things to speed up your internet connection. One is to connect to a closer, less congested server. Another is to use a wired connection instead of Wi-Fi. Finally, you can try upgrading your internet plan to a higher speed. 


A fast, reliable internet connection is critical in today’s world. If you’re experiencing any of the issues listed above, it’s likely that your current internet speeds are too slow and could use an upgrade. Luckily, there are plenty of options out there for boosting your speeds. Contact your internet service provider to see what options are available to you.

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