How to Watch Netflix on TV Without an Internet?

How to Watch Netflix on TV Without an Internet

Just Imagine that you’re settled in for a cozy night of Netflix bingeing, but the streaming cuts out halfway through your favorite show. You check your WiFi connection is 

The problem could be that your TV needs an internet connection to stream Netflix, but what if you don’t have access to stable WiFi? Don’t worry. There are still ways you can enjoy your favorite shows and movies!

How to Watch Netflix on TV Without an Internet Connection

Here are three ways to watch Netflix on TV without an internet connection:

  1. Purchase a physical copy of the movie or show you want to watch.
  2. Download Netflix shows before watching.
  3. Use a digital antenna to connect to over-the-air TV channels that offer Netflix content.

1) Purchase a Physical Copy of the Movie 

If you want to watch a specific movie or show on Netflix but don’t have an internet connection, one option is to purchase a physical copy of the film or series. This way, you’ll have the movie or episode saved on your TV and can watch it whenever you want—no internet required!

It’s important to note that not every title available on Netflix is available for purchase, but there is still a decent selection. And even if the movie or show you want isn’t available for purchase, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to find it at your local library or Redbox kiosk.

2) Download Netflix shows before watching

Download Netflix shows before watching

If you know you’ll be without an internet connection but still want to watch your favourite Netflix shows, you can download them ahead of time. This way, you can have the episodes saved on your TV and watch them whenever you want—no internet required!

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It’s important to note that not every title available on Netflix is available for download, but there is still a decent selection. And even if the movie or show you want isn’t available for purchase, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to find it at your local library or Redbox kiosk.

3) Use a Digital Antenna to Connect to Over-the-Air TV

watch netflix without internet

Another great way to watch Netflix without an internet connection is by connecting a digital antenna directly to your television. This will allow you to tune into over-the-air channels that offer Netflix content—all for free! All you need is an HDTV antenna and a compatible TV. Remember that not all over-the-air channels offer Netflix content, so you’ll need to research ahead of time to see which ones do.


Is it possible to download Netflix movies and shows to watch offline?

Yes, it is easy to download Netflix movies and TV shows to watch offline. However, it is important to note that not every title available on Netflix is available for download.

How can I watch Netflix without an internet connection?

There are a few ways you can watch Netflix without an internet connection: purchase a physical copy of the movie or show you want to watch.


No matter what situation you find yourself in, there’s always a way to watch Netflix without an internet connection!

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